Welcome to Miles Away!
Miles Away
This bungalow is truly one of a kind.
THE GARDEN - Please Enjoy our Garden located behind the Cowboy House!! Eat up the greens and please put your green compost bags in the Black lidded Compost bin in the garden when it gets full. Eggs are in the Farm stand when available. The garden is not always in full bloom but our local farmers markets are! Farmers Markets are happening 7 days a week island wide. hifarmersmarkets on Instagram or Hawaii Farmers Market Association online. will give all the details you need.
THE POOL - The Pool is a short walk from your cottage. Follow the road toward the ocean and look for the sign and the path up to the pool. No diving! Just relaxing.
TRASH CANS - Lidded trash and recycle cans are located next to the laundry room inside the white door furthest to the left.
LAUNDRY - The Laundry closet outside your back door, connected to the bathhouse. Close to the drying line.
BEACH STUFF - Beach chairs are next to the washer/dryer. Please rinse off the salt air and sand before you put them away. The next guest will appreciate you!
FIRE EXTINGUISHER - Fire extinguisher is located under the kitchen sink.
FIRST AID - First Aid kit and supplies are in the kitchen drawer.
THE MEDITATION POND- Enjoy in the early morning. You can also do yoga on the deck. The peacocks love the pond so don’t be surprised if you see them here. They are friendly and a little shy. They will go if you encourage the to gently by just shooing them away.
PUAKEA RANCH SWAG- If you would like to see our selection of cool goods for sale, send Christie a text. You can take home our honey too!
Kohala Hospital: 808 733-4020 Located at 54-383 HOSPITAL ROAD KAPA’AU, HI. 3 miles from the ranch, oceanside turn on Hospital Rd. past Hawi, going north.
Closest Grocery Store: Takata Market in Hawi: 3 miles north of the ranch on the ocean side of Hwy. Open until 7pm. *Closes at 1pm on Sundays.
Kohala Grown Market: In Hawi town, is great for local produce, products and fresh smoothies and sandwiches. Nice wine selection as well. Across from the Kohala Coffee Mill.
Farmers Market: In Hawi, at Kohala Hub on Hawi Road, across from the big Banyan tree on Saturdays 7am-12pm. Also in Waimea same time. The 30 min. drive up Hawi Mountain Road into Waimea is gorgeous!
Coffee: Kohala Coffee Mill in Hawi and Pomaikai’i Cafe in Kapaau. Both also offer breakfast food selections and smoothies.
Golf with the kids? Kamehameha Park in Kapaau offer a great 9 hole corse with ocean views! Just 5 miles north of the ranch!
Skatepark for the kids? Yep, Kamehameha Park has an epic skate park too!
To avoid the ants, keep all open food packages, chips, bread, etc. in the fridge. Always put dishes in the dishwasher. Never leave out any open food on the counter tops. Notice there is not concrete around you.
To avoid any damage to our countertops, always use the cutting boards. Never cut anything directly on the butcher-block countertops.
Water and Electricity are very expensive in Hawaii. Please remember to conserve both as much as possible. Use the drying lines whenever you can. Wash in cold water. Turn out all lights and fans when you leave for the day. Mahalo!
Centipedes and very small scorpions are quite common in Hawaii. Local doctors and hospitals will not do much to treat the sting unless a serious allergic reaction occurs. If breathing becomes difficult, call 911! The Hawaiian remedy is to mash an aspirin with a little water and make it into a paste, and then apply it to the wound. Ice on and off every 10 min. helps reduce the pain and swelling of centipede bites. Expect swelling and then itching if you get a centipede bite. Don’t worry, you won’t die.
The Cottages: If windows rattle, floors creek, doors do not close the way new ones do, consider it an authentic experience in an original plantation home where a family of 4 + lived full time in the last century. If anything becomes bothersome or unsafe, please call us for assistance
What’s that sound?! Likely, you’re hearing our peacocks and peahens calling to each other. Or, you are hearing cows or donkey’s bellowing out. Remember, you are in the rugged Hawaiian country now.
Pigs: We have a lot of wild pigs in Hawaii. Please make sure the trash bins have secure lids. Do not be afraid of them. They are much more afraid of you! You can shout at them to make them run away if they come close to your cottage.
For Propane tank refill, grill assistance, trash removal, area guild questions, or ranch animal questions or help: Please text 808-315-0805 for assistance.
For more information check out www.puakearanch.com or email Christie@puakearnach.com